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Marketing trends.

Marketing trends.

Marketing trends.

Marketing trends.

Consumer trends for 2011: Green innovation is the “2nd chance” for the brand if connected to a new personal benefit

Innovation: the ecology offers to the brand its  » 2nd chance « .



Sustainable development reflects a new generation of products. An opportunity for innovation that gives the brand a second chance

We want to underline three ways of search:

– Conceptual transformation of product

The opportunity to alter categories and re-segment the market to its advantage.
For example:
The cooled bed as ecological alternative to air conditioning
The printer which uses tea instead of ink!


Conceptual transformation offers the consumer a new experience:
The Zoe ZE Renault, electric alternative to the Smart, with more elegance, comfort, protection and style.

– Aesthetic transformation of product

Tomorrow’s winners – for modest everyday products like large architectural projects– will be those to have reinvented the object and not only « a solar cell to replace the battery. »
With ecology, design meets its legitimacy: to serve a function.

– Mutation of product’s business model

The new LED Philips bulbs will cost 20 times the price of an incandescent bulb but will last 25 times longer.
Nissan will sell the electric Leaf at the price of an ordinary car and shall furthermore rent the battery.
Kiehl’s, Bata, VW (Golf) “buys back” used products when client purchasing a new product.

Where are new product ideas?
The commercial success of an environmentally-friendly product is almost always linked to a personal benefit:  the satisfaction of acting eco-conscious comes as a bonus. A decline in quality or use “justified” by ecological adaptation will be rejected.

Product ideas are endless, but think of integrating ecology with,

– Its proximity values.
For example,
Everything related to health, well being including relaxation.
Everything related to returning to the basics, to origins, to nature, to what is local.
Everything that is reassuring, gives mastery and control, averts risks.
Everything that saves resources and reduces the bill.
Everything that re-humanises and re-socialises relationships.

– A new experience,
that makes dream, adds value, surprises etc
Ecology and hyper technology, a smashing cocktail
Ecology and femininity: motherhood, sensuality, fashion, beauty etc.
Ecology and travel in the mind or in reality, including the local milieu, communities…

By comparing proximity values and new experiences, many new product ideas will see the light of day.

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The domino effect of mobility on product innovation is one of consumer trends to integrate in 2011

The domino effect of mobility on the daily product innovation.


 New species of products come and dress as ordinary becomes a communication equipment,, it plays music (Tshirt with headsets), alert (cap wifii detects), treats, give drink …

The GPS involves a proliferation of services and products to search services to seek, find, discover oneself, monitor one’s entourage.

The experience of products of the mobility modifies habits, expectations, vision.

The signs of the mobility become criteria of the modernity and the customization which increases the desirabilty of the product (design, technology, nomadism). 

To reposition a product on the mobility

(or in the ergonomics of the mobility)

can provide a competitive advantage.

 For example, convenience for all forms of travel,trips and professional activities:

Luggage that can be converted into tables, seats, pillows

Luggage with “a glove box », integrated Led light.

Bad weather clothing that can be converted into shelter with easy access to common objects.

Household micro-equipment for the room and for travel: washing, drying, cooking, cooling, air-conditioning….

All-purpose soap/cream: washing the body, teeth, hair, skin care, sunscreen.

Flat filtered water bottles to hang on jeans.

Mini meals: traditional recipes dense with fruits, vegetables, meat…attractive, coloured, tasty and healthy.

 Innovation will develop new features on the means of mobility created every day.


Still more accessories around the wifi, the mobile telephone, notebook, game consoles.

Purchase slimming product with right to personalised online coaching.

“Appresso” machine

Mobility has made the convergence of functions and


The electrical vibrating toothbrush or mascara


Connect functions and technologies linked to a


 Light bulb with smoke alarm,

Lawn mover that cuts grass in the summer,

sucks up leaves in the winter.

Solar energy conversion kits.


Body-changing products could be the culmination of portability and mobility!

Microsoft’s Flesh Touchology, sort of “integrated remote control” announces monitoring possibilities, medical treatments, cosmetics of the future. 

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Does the Instinct will be the new « intelligence » of consumers in consumer trends of 2011?

Instinctivity is the new « intelligence »…


After being kicked around during the crisis, the new order of the 21st century starts now.

In communication, instinctivity invites us to…

Reinstate the fundamentals of man (woman).

Feel things more than understand them (the truth is manipulated and complex).

Take back his freedom and develop independence and abilities.

Live in harmony with nature (the mother of all truths)… and sustainable development.


Instinctive products

Bring animal spontaneity back to life

Help people express themselves and communicate with ones senses

Bring Robinson Crusoe solutions to the 21st century (alone on an uninhabited island)

Assert the identity of our origins or the identity that we project

Free and genuine like an animal

Write slanted…it’s more natural! :  Slant-ruled notebook /Matt Brown

The « raw » meat to be chewed:


Boundless delicacies to be shared or for your own pleasure

Sensation Chocolat Cosmetics

Clever comfort solutions for less

The crisis and cataclysm of Haiti re-launched the idea of container-flats:             

Modular products: unique-established-sons Mass production of simple irregular elements

allowing numerous variations

Integrated functions to make more room or give independence

Designed by Harsha Vardhan from New Delhi, India an  Alernative Clothes Cleaner is a conceptual washing

machine  which doubles up as a large seat

Solar Portable Lantern by Philips: or The POP from LG with a solar cell:

What you can make yourself or “like thrown together at home with ‘almost nothing’’

Furnitures and home décor:  Crate serie 8 / Jasper Morisson

Best Before is a new brand of objects made by hand from salt, paper and will soon include felt

Homemade food: Kenwood Panini Grill at or Ad Hoc Fried Chicken Kit                                                                                               

“Primordial” tools

Samurai Sword Chopsticks Pay tribute to Real-Life Samurais


Assert your identity and deliver your message

Tattoos and body decoration

 Les Trompe L’Oeil de Chanel Temporary Skin Art

Reconnect with our origins

Fashion inspired by the past:

Stone Cold Ice Cube tray


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Marketing trends: Advertising themes recur like « before » but with singular caution for 2011

                            AND NOW THE ‘reset’ of ADVERTISING!                                                 

                                              (nothing is like before?) attempted reversal of the consummatory mood after 2 years of reason and moderation.

(Read Leaving the nest).

 the return of desire!                       

Crisis or no crisis, will desire prevail over the need to curb one’s spending?

A sign? The major food brands are getting back market share on private labels, showing a qualitative – albeit not yet a quantitative – market shift.

‘Trendsetting’ ad.agencies encourages the consumer to “get out of the comfort zone” they have been in since 2008.  This refers to the consumer who is growing tired of the dictates of minimalism and self-restraint,


These are the ways of optimism already seen in previous crises.

Walk around, meet, discover, leave, have fun, and chiefly indulge itself: enjoyment, jubilation, found freedom, dreams, escape – even in the head- especially when products feel « irresistible ».

The difference lies in the limits and conditions that need to be respected, which has changed significantly since then.

A pleasure, an experience that is:

Reassuring, mindful of new consumer habits, accessible, practical, useful.


… Conditions for men only?
It is what lets think of Mercedes for the promotion of Classe-E.!

For women to have fun, give in to their addiction ….

While the men would just put a little balm for pleasure in their sense of responsibility!

Nothing is like before we had you one

juror …



Be yourself, follow your instincts … 

 … the object of your desires is unanimous.
So, convinced

AND NOW THE ‘reset’ of ADVERTISING! (nothing is like before?) attempted reversal of the consummatory mood after 2 years of reason and moderation. (Read Leaving the nest).


the return of desire!  Is the woman going to save the automobile?

Crisis or no crisis, will desire prevail over the need to curb one’s spending?

There is a change in your advertising. Following the example and values (as for sustainable development), here it invites consumers to « leave the nest » in which he had fled since 2008.

She talks about pleasure, joy, jubilation, found freedom, escape

-even in his head-.
Indeed, we began to tire of the diktat of minimalism, the no everything ..

… For women only?
It is what lets think of Mercedes for the promotion of Classe-E.!

For women to have fun, give in to their addiction …
.. While the men would just put a little balm for pleasure in their sense of responsibility!
Nothing is like before we had you one juror …


How to restart the buying impulse? The marketing trends to follow in 2011…

How advertising tries to restart the buying impulse?

One crisis to another, solutions little changed!

– Be yourself and do what you want now …have fun!
The announced return of « egos »: the ego-casting, self-expression.
Will they make their return after two years of community diktat?
Yes, but in respect for others: the predator, the excess for excess
will not score.
But Mercedes tries the big show!

– Dream, escape but in the head.

° The luxury makes bubbles, soap bubbles, pearls, bubbles-balls:  
bubbles, it is the emotion innocent of the childhood : the child’s desire

cannot be guilty!

° As good old times! The escape in novels or films that have marked our

After 2001, we saw the comeback of vintage. Nostalgia is always a strong

lever in difficult times.

At the luxury of taking the risk of giving the signal to return to the futility,

but in the core market, it is still prudent to support the desirability of strong

promises of usefulness, reassurances and guarantees product.
Other solutions to read on

Trend Leaving the nest: You’re never alone with Renault services

Trend Leaving the nest: You’re never alone with Renault services intranet/ckfinder/userfiles/images/14.jpg

Trend Leaving the nest: Never forget to be practical, useful, accessible

Trend Leaving the nest: Never forget to be practical, useful, accessible